It’s funny how we assume any fake and cheap rip-off products to be made in China. But the Chinese definitely don’t seem to mind and are continuing their production of fake look-alike products! But this time they have gone too far. China has actually gone ahead and created a rip-off Rolls Royce! Known as The Geely GE, it claims to be re-inventing the classic but one look at the car and everyone will have to disagree. With a similar exterior (including a flying lady on the bonnet), design as well as massage seats, pure wool carpet, subdued lighting and wine cabinet this car is nothing but a cheap copy of the classic Rolls Royce. And Rolls Royce is definitely not taking this lightly! They are consulting lawyers after seeing this Chinese-made car impudently displayed just feet from the classic brand’s Phantom at the Shanghai Motor Show. Especially since the grille, the Flying Lady mascot, and the Rolls Royce name and initials are specifically protected. The GE (which stands for Geely Excellence) will cost just £30,000 ($44,000) compared to the whopping £250,000 ($366,530) price tag of the classic Rolls Royce.

This price range will definitely attract quite a few buyers who would love to experience the same luxury without paying a hefty sum. And in this time of recession, even Rolls Royce would not take this rip-off lying down. So expect some legal suits and a lot of controversy before you can actually own your very own – made in China Rolls Royce!
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